Implement degree-valued trigonometric functions and standardise code according to Fortran2008
- Implement degree-valued trigonometric functions
- Can be activated with
for gfortran, but not available for nagfor
- Can be activated with
- Standardize by using int64 from iso_fortran_env instead of kind=8
- kind=8 is not recognized by nagfor. integer(kind=8) -> integer(int64)
- kind=4 is not recognized by nagfor. integer(kind=4) -> integer
- Real(kind=8) -> Real(kind=dp)
- kind=8 is not recognized by nagfor
- Use newer get_command_argument() instead of getarg()
- call flush() -> flush()
- Beginning with the Fortran 2003 standard, there is a FLUSH statement that should be preferred over the FLUSH intrinsic.
- Temp solution: sizeof(z(1,1,1)) -> kind(z(1,1,1))
- sizeof is not recognised by nagfor