Feature/peakfind refactoring
Peakfind dialog completed.
Merge request reports
Enabled an automatic merge when the build for 2466435c succeeds
@jmfisher I completed the peakfind dialog refactoring updated with the outcome of #60 (closed) . I finally decided to keep the kernel factory design for the reasons mentioned in #60 (closed).
OK. Good. BTW, I take that merge opportunity to ask you a question about our gitflow implementation. In the present case, I
- created a new feature namely peakfind-refactoring
- published it
- made some commits My concern is when the time has come to merge. As stated before, it is good that we create merge requests each time we want to merge a feature on develop. If I follow the gitflow procedure until the last step, I should normally finish my feature. However, finishing it and pushing to develop will not create a merge request. I have the feeling that introducing a merge request, yet desirable, somewhat breaks the gitflow procedure. What do you think ?
as far as I understand, using git flow to finish the feature from command line is just a macro for git merge. In that case, it is definitely better to create a gitlab merge request and finish the feature this way (as we are doing now). From the point of view of the git log it should be identical, but we get the advantage of having a gitlab merge request page where we can have discussions.
Also, for minor bugfixes (which are labeled bugfix rather than feature) I am ok with just doing automatic merge after successful CI build.
Enabled an automatic merge when the build for a59c292d succeeds
Mentioned in commit ea987829
I agree that for bugfix there is no need to prompt for merging. BTW, you mentionned bugfix as a kind of special case of feature branch. Does it mean that you do not use the git flow package ? That would explain the occurence of bugfix- branches in the repository that I wanted to create.
Edited by eric pellegrinigit flow, or at least my version of it, supports branches tagged as feature, bugfix, release, hotfix, and support. So bugfix is a type of branch distinct from feature. They are named starting with bugfix/.
I recently pushed a bugfix branch and I had to modify the gitlab-ci yaml because it was building only master/develop/feature, so I added bugfix builds as well.
Edited by Jonathan FisherAfter doing a bit of searching I realized that the difference is that I am using the AVH edition of git flow. See https://github.com/petervanderdoes/gitflow-avh. I am using the arch package but it should be easy to build from source if there is no ubuntu package available.
I just added a link to AVH edition on the wiki page. If you have any trouble installing on ubuntu please add some instructions to the wiki.
Edited by Jonathan Fisher