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Build cmake for fortran 2008

Remi Perenon requested to merge build-cmake_for_Fortran_2008 into master

Integration of CrysFML2008 into CI

  • Upgraded cmake on Build servers to a recent version (3.17 is fine), older versions do not understand fully statements such as "Module Subroutine" and interprets "Subroutine" as the module name...
  • Upgraded gfortran on Build Servers. Version 5 cannot compile Fortran2008, version 7 can.
  • CI pipelines have changed. Now, when you push, Fortran 2003 and Fortran 2008 are compiled with Intel and gfortran, on Linux and macOS and Windows (12 cases at all) in Debug mode. If everything compiles, Fortran 2003 and Fortran 2008 are compiled with Intel only, on Linux and macOS and Windows in Release mode (6 more cases).

Merge request reports