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Possibility to increase the number of vectors to be computed

Merged Elisa Rebolini requested to merge dev/guess into master
+ 19
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ Subroutine lect_data(g_info, prog_info, o_info, v_info, det_info, ener_info, &
call read_orbinp(f_input, o_info)
!Verfication of the method and given orb kinds
call check_orb_vs_method(prog_info, o_info)
if (prog_info%id_cpu.eq.0) then
write(f_output,'(a39)') " Transfert d''information par namelist"
! if (prog_info%id_cpu.eq.0) then
! write(f_output,'(a39)') " Transfert d''information par namelist"
! endif
!Calcul de orb_info(i,iorb)
@@ -328,25 +328,27 @@ subroutine read_vecinp(iunit, g_info, prog_info, v_info, det_info, ener_info)
type(det_infotype), intent(inout) :: det_info
type(ener_infotype),intent(inout) :: ener_info
integer (KIND=kd_int) :: stot, sz, vec_irrep, nvec, &
integer (KIND=kd_int) :: stot, sz, vec_irrep, nvec, nconv, &
nref0, nelact, itmp
namelist /vecinp/ stot, sz, vec_irrep, nvec, nref0, nelact
namelist /vecinp/ stot, sz, vec_irrep, nvec, nconv, nref0, nelact
! v_info
stot = 1
sz = 0
stot = 1
sz = 0
vec_irrep = 1
nvec = 1
nvec = 1
nconv =-1
nref0 = 1
nelact = 0
read(iunit, vecinp)
v_info%stot = stot
v_info%sz = sz
v_info%stot = stot
v_info%sz = sz
v_info%vec_irrep = vec_irrep
v_info%nvec = nvec
v_info%nvec = nvec
v_info%nconv = nconv
ener_info%ener(:) = 0.d0
@@ -427,7 +429,8 @@ subroutine wrt_infoinp(iunit, g_info, o_info, v_info, bdav_info)
!Impressions vecinp et orbinp
write(iunit,fmt1) " Nbre de vecteurs ", v_info%nvec
write(iunit,fmt1) " Nbre de vecteurs ", v_info%nvec
if ( write(iunit,fmt1) " Nbre de vecteurs converges ", v_info%nconv
write(iunit,fmt2) " 2S+1, 2Sz ", v_info%stot, v_info%sz
write(iunit,fmt2) " Irrep ", v_info%vec_irrep
write(iunit,fmt2) " Nbre d'electrons actifs ", g_info%nelact
@@ -598,6 +601,10 @@ subroutine read_davidinp(iunit, bdav_info, prog_info)
bdav_info%iter0 = iter0
bdav_info%conv_ener = conv_ener
bdav_info%debug_dav = debug_dav
if (debug_dav) then
write(f_output,*) " debug_dav active"
end if
if ( &
call SASS_quit('>>> Error in SizeheffDavidson : must be at least 1 (default = 10) <<<',f_output)