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This is a project like CrysFML but using the latest Fortran standard. The modules contain now submodules and object-oriented programming is used for the parts containing a profuse use of types. This project will be functional progressively.
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The LstDataProcess library provides tools to read, write and process Lst binary files containing events with size 128 bits produced at the ILL.
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Pathfinding software for triple-axis spectrometers.
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Tlibs project, version 2. A physical-mathematical C++ template library.
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This project has been developed for treating data coming from X-rays and Neutron Laue diffractometers. The Esmeralda Suite is able to index, orient, integrate and normalize Laue images and produce files to be treated by programs like FullProf.
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C++ Library to ease the access of Nomad server through Cameo calls. It is a simple API.
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C++ library providing tools for vEXP that cannot be done directly or are less efficient in JavaScript.
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Takin plug-in module calculating magnon dispersions.